აპრილი17 , 2024
Projects"სარტყელი და გზა"A Forum "China in the 21st Century" was held...

[:en]A Forum “China in the 21st Century” was held in Tbilisi[:]


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On Wednesday, October 24, in Tbilisi Marriott Hotel The Georgian-Chinese Media Platform Sinomedia organized a forum “China in the 21-st Century”.

The main topic of the forum was “China in my mind”, the goal of the event was to share experiences about their visits in China and discuss the ways of multiple cooperation between Georgia and China in the future.

An evening opening speech was opened by Ana Goguadze, Founder of the media-platform Sinomedia and by the speaker of the Forum, Marine Jibladze, president of the Association of Georgian Sinologists. They thanked the participants for participation in the forum and once again emphasized the purpose of the event.

From the main topic of the forum and the purpose of the evening, the evening was held in the form of discussion. The speakers accompanied the public with a presentation, talked about their impressions and experience in China. Among the guests were representatives of different sectors. Public officials, Sinologists, media representatives and students with Chinese scholarship. Ambassador of People’s republic China in Georgia, Ji Yanchi and other representatives of the forum were the main guests of the event.

The discussion was multifaceted and interesting, as the speakers talked about tourism, journalism, education, environment, new face of modern China, multilateral capabilities, economics and China-Georgia relations.

In conclusion, the announcement was made by Chinese ambassador Ji Yanchi. He briefly spoke about his activities in Georgia. Emphasized the common values ​​that link the two countries to each other. The importance of the Xi Jinping’s initiative “Belt and Road”, has once again noted the importance of the project and added that China – Georgia relations are quite successful in advance, as it demonstrates the facts, but it is time to use what’s important to speed up.

She shared with guests Chinese and Georgian friend cities, such as: Xinjiang and Kakheti, Batumi and Urumqi, Shandong and Batumi, and also Kakheti and Hainan, Tbilisi and Guangzhou.

In the end of the speech The Chinese Ambassador noted that such events will further contribute to the exchange of knowledge between the two countries. He thanked Sinomedia for organizing forum and wished success.


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