Month: February 2017

  • [:en]Tangyuan – delicious Chinese dessert[:]

    [:en]Tangyuan – delicious Chinese dessert[:]

    [:en] Now I want to introduce traditional Chinese dessert Tangyuan. It is made from glutinous rice flour mixed with a small amount of water to form balls and after that  they are cooked and served in boiling water. These balls can be filled with various ingredients such as: red bean and chocolate paste, fruit preserves, […]

  • [:en]Georgian candy – Churchkhela[:]

    [:en]Georgian candy – Churchkhela[:]

    [:en] Churchkhela is a type of Georgian candy, shaped like a candle made from natural grape juice hazel-nut or other nuts inside it. Churchkhela is a homemade Georgian product. This candy is usually prepared in autumn when the primary ingredients, grapes and nuts, are harvested and then served for Christmas holidays. Churchkhela is extremely delicious […]