აპრილი25 , 2024
It's all about Feng ShuiWealth and prosperity

[:en]Wealth and prosperity [:]


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The wealth area of your home is in the southeast area.

Take the floor plan of your house and find where the southeast area is.What room is in that area ,is it a kitchen,toilet,hall or sitting room…..

 The shortcut to find the southeast area.Take your floor plan and divide on nine grid and the box in the southeast is your money area.This is a very quick and simple way to do it for those who want to experiment with feng shui,but those who study the subject professionally do not use this technique as it is not considered classical feng shui.As I have mentioned before classical feng shui much more sophisticated and unfortunately impossible to pass on in a few words.

This area is the most important area of your home as it represents your family’s wealth and prosperity.By boosting that area you can encourage prosperity and financial security for all members of your family.

However there can be detrimental factors. A toilet, for example, located in the southeast sector is not good for wealth. It would be much better to have a study, living room or dining area there.An office is an excellent room to have there as you are working on making money.

In the garden, the southeast area can be activated by planting plenty of green plants and keeping the area as clean as possible.Also adding a fountain or a small fish pond will help keep the energy in harmony.

Tips to follow in the southeast area of your house:

Place a healthy plant in your wealth area in the southeast.A money plant is a good one to go  for.

We call it jade plant – It is excellent for this area as it symbolises wealth.

Use a water feature as water produces wood in the five elements productive cycle (you do not need to know details at this stage, as it is advance feng shui). A small water feature with trickling water and some plants, or an aquarium with nine fish (that is a very auspicious number) would greatly activate this area.

I want you to remember one thing! Never place water features in the South, Southwest, West, Northwest or Northeast.Thera are only three places where you can place water ponds, swimming pools, aquariums or fountains – North, East or Southeast.

If the wealth area is dark, attract positive energy by placing a lamp with a low-wattage bulb in the area and keeping in on all of the time.

Placing a mirror on a dining room wall to reflect the food on the table is very auspicious as it symbolises the “doubling of wealth”.

Inessa Liang Cunningham

( Feng Shui expert and specialist in Chinese astrology)


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