აპრილი17 , 2024
კულტურაTranslators and publishers discuss future cooperation at the conference...

[:en]Translators and publishers discuss future cooperation at the conference in Beijing[:]


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To build closer ties between translators and publishers, Chinese Culture Translation and Studies Support Network (CCTSS) arranged a conference on the global transmission of Chinese books in Beijing.

Publishers from prestigious houses such as Rong Bao Zhai, China Renmin University Press, and The Writers Publishing House met with translators and Sinologists from around the world, giving updates on China’s book market and listening to readers’ interests abroad.

“We have been working with publishing houses from over 30 countries,” Liu Yehua from China Renmin University Press said. “In the future, we hope to cooperate with more translators and introduce contemporary Chinese books to the world.”

“I’m very interested in books on traditional Chinese culture and the Belt and Road Initiative,” Prabhat Kumar, assistant professor from India’s Central University of Gujarat, said. “I want to help Indian readers learn about Chinese history and China’s development path.”

During the meeting, translators viewed a list of recent publications. They could contact the representatives of these publishing agencies directly and discuss the details of a translation project.

The anticipated International Database of Contemporary Chinese Writers and Works was also launched at the conference. Running on China’s popular social platform WeChat, the software presents profiles of 100 contemporary Chinese writers in multiple languages.


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